Bill of Rights As a victim of a violent crime, as the guardian of a victim, or as the close
relative of a victim, you have certain rights in the Texas criminal justice system. Among these are:
The right to PROTECTION from harm, and threats of harm, arising from cooperation with peace officers or prosecutors. The right to have your SAFETY, and that of your family, taken into consideration when bail is set. The right to be INFORMED about court proceedings, including whether they have been canceled or rescheduled. The right to INFORMATION about procedures in criminal investigations. The right to TELL a probation department conducting a presentencing investigation about the impact of the offense on your and your family. The right to be INFORMED about the Crime Victims Compensation Fund, the payment of certain medical expenses for victims of sexual assault, and the availability of social service agencies that may provide
assistance. The right to be NOTIFIED about parole proceedings. The right to INCLUDE information in the defendant's file to be considered by the Board of Pardons and Paroles. The right to be PRESENT at all public court proceedings relating to the offense, if the presiding judge approves. Note: Article 56 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedures states: "A judge, attorney for the state, peace officer, or law enforcement agency is not liable for a failure or inability to provide a
right enumerated in this article."
for Victims of Violent Crimes
A safe place for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence.
(830) 569-2001 or Toll Free (877) 569-2001
Last Update:
April 10, 2001
Copyright © 2001 Atascosa Family Crisis Center, Inc. All rights reserved. |